The Anglican Free Fellowship of America

All are welcome. May the Lord bless you.

Who We Are:

In an increasingly divided world, choosing unity over uniformity can be a healing way forward. Unfortunately, too many churches no longer exist to serve humanity. The church for many people has become a place of judgment, fear, hypocrisy, and intolerance.  It has become more concerned about the sin of “the other” rather than love, about finances rather than faith, and about growing membership over nurturing souls.

If you are looking for a Christ-centric church, our fellowship offers a home that does not judge others or act as gatekeepers of the kingdom. We accept you for who you are and where you are on your pilgrimage.

Please join us as we grow together spiritually in The Way of Jesus. We are called to love God and others as ourselves. It is time to be what God has called us to be and to do what he has given us to do. We must seek the transcendence of the Father and be Christ in the world.

Who We Seek To Be:

   Our Axiom:

Love God

Love others

Love yourself.

Help those who are in need.

Do not judge other people.

Accept people for who they are.

   Forgive people when they sin.

   Forgive yourself when you sin.

Treat other people as you would like to be treated.

Seek to bring unity and peace into our world.


In other words, Be Christ in the world.

Our Values:



Spirit - Led


